zondag 25 april 2010


The Patterson-Gimlin film (also referred to as simply the Patterson film) is a short motion picture of an unidentified subject filmed on October 20, 1967 by Roger Patterson and Robert Gimlin (Missouri, October 18, 1931), who claimed the film was a genuine recording of a bigfoot. The film has been subjected to many attempts both to debunk and authenticate it. Some qualified scientists have judged the film a hoax with a man in an ape suit, but other qualfied scientists contend the film depicts an animal unknown to science, or cryptid, claiming it would be virtually impossible for a human to replicate the subject's gait and muscle movement.

Years have gone by since the Patterson sighting and our WTFIW specialists team was surprised when they received a phone call from the Big Foot Research Center in Willow Creek. A group of students from the Technical University of Pennsylvania had discovered a missing frame in the film which showed a round object being hold by the supposedly female bigfoot.

We think this is ancestor of Wilson, but no scientific data has been provided to back up this claim. If you have any information about Wilson sightings in the North of America, please contact us!

To be continued..

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